Automatic Zion

'Automatic' because I am fascinated by the automatic writing of Gertrude Stein, the Beats, and Zen-influenced writer Natalie Goldberg. 'Zion' because I am searching for mine in a land contested for its sticky milk-and-honey holiness. I hope 'wild mind' writing will help me find my zion, and that Zion will help me to become a wild writer.

Monday, August 07, 2006

unpublished photos

These are important photos to view. Not because they represent the only reality, but because they portray moments equally a reality as what what you see published in newspapers. Well, a Reuters photographer was just fired today for doctoring photos that had been published, and that's why I believe proximity is extremely important for getting an accurate account. The farther you are from the scene, or from those people who's reports you can trust who have been there, the less reliable your information is, and you must accept that. Anyway, a relief from the bad news...