Automatic Zion

'Automatic' because I am fascinated by the automatic writing of Gertrude Stein, the Beats, and Zen-influenced writer Natalie Goldberg. 'Zion' because I am searching for mine in a land contested for its sticky milk-and-honey holiness. I hope 'wild mind' writing will help me find my zion, and that Zion will help me to become a wild writer.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Soroka Miyyun

Soroka Miyyun*

bedouins in black cloaks are roaming the emergency room

a gaunt bearded muslim begins his midday prayer on the hot hospital green

this Russian kibbutznik on my stretcher is writhing in agony

no one is giving him drugs

no one is joining the midday prayer

no one is telling the Bedouin to sit-- “Shev, rega”--

i will bring my students to this emergency room for our diversity workshop

they can watch pain the great equalizer make everyone mortal vulnerable

pairs of eyes and legs, all

*Soroka is the name of the largest hospital in the south of Israel. Miyyun is the word for emergency room.


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