Automatic Zion

'Automatic' because I am fascinated by the automatic writing of Gertrude Stein, the Beats, and Zen-influenced writer Natalie Goldberg. 'Zion' because I am searching for mine in a land contested for its sticky milk-and-honey holiness. I hope 'wild mind' writing will help me find my zion, and that Zion will help me to become a wild writer.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

select photos from netivot

left: braids courtesy of Orit, assistant director of the Ethiopian Community Center in Netivot; center: me (in the white and purple shirt), Liran (in uniform) and the boys from the at-risk clubhouse in Netivot; right: my flatmates, Jeff and Erin, and I before our performance of original score The Tu b'shvat Blues at Club 51, the Ethiopian Teen Clubhouse in Netivot...


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